Steve traveled the first 2 hours of his journey at 40 mph and the remaining 3 hours of his journey at 80 mph. What is his average speed for the entire journey?

correct answer is 64 mph

Average speed of travel = total distance traveled/ total time taken
Total distance traveled by Steve = Distance covered in the first 2 hours + distance covered in the next 3 hours.
Distance covered in the first 2 hours = speed * time = 40 * 2 = 80 miles
Distance covered in the next 3 hours = speed * time = 80 * 3 = 240 miles
Therefore, total distance covered = 80 + 240 = 320 miles
Total time taken = 2 + 3 = 5 hours.

Hence, average speed = 320/5= 64 miles per hour.
Note: If Steve had traveled equal amount of time at 40 mph and 80 mph, then his average speed will be the arithmetic mean (or simple average) of the two speeds.

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